portrait of my face with blurred plants in the background

Byron Sharman

I'm Byron, a computer science student at Colorado School of Mines. I love to go to hackathons, learn technologies, and explore the world, both physically and conceptually.


  • b-sharman.dev (this website!)

    Svelte, TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML

    My website does a lot of things, but they can all be simplified as using Javascript to turn JSON, images, and Markdown into a static site made of HTML and CSS. Almost all the content of the site is generated from metadata. I use the excellent Svelte framework to accomplish this.

    see it on GitHub

  • sushigo


    I am one of many drawn to the simplicity of Sushi Go, a card game easily learned but remarkably strategic. I resolved to make an electronic version, starting by implementing the scoring and gameplay logic. That paved the way for adding a computer engine, making a pretty frontend, and introducing multiplayer support, although currently I'm only working on the first of those.

    see it on GitHub

  • adventofcode

    Python, C++

    Advent of Code is a set of competitive programming puzzles released every December. There is one two-part puzzle per day up through Christmas, each one harder than the last. I have been solving these puzzles for about three years now.

    see it on GitHub


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